Hot Rod Surf

Hans’ First Surf Trip!

I just recently took my second youngest son Hans for his first early morning surfing session. Hans just turned two years old and with some of his first baby words figured out he likes ‘trucks’, ‘surfing’, ‘hot rods’, and ‘candy’. As we get older and more ‘responsible’ it becomes easier and easier to get stuck in a ‘routine’. Something we can all learn from children is that it is good to try new things, take a chance, and once and a while break free and totally blow off ‘routine’. Instead of working at the garage all day, which is an inferno during the summer, I arrived early, grabbed a new surfboard off the shop floor, stacked up some Hot Rod Surf wax, turned around, went back home to pick up Hans, and off we were on his first official early morning surfing session!

This year we have had really warm 77 degree water with nice and hot beach weather. This unusually warm ocean water for Southern California is great for the kids. They don’t get too cold when out playing in the surf all day. The really neat thing about the custom lifestyle of surfing, hot rodding, and biking, is that there is so much we can share with the future generation. It occurred to me how similar the bonding experiences of surfing, motorcycling, and hot rodding really are. All have unique nuances and unwritten traditions passed down through friendships and family generations. Surfing, biking, and hot rodding each have specialized and personalized equipment with codes of conduct all leading to a fun filled hours of excitement and great memories. Take time to brake out of the routine. Whether it’s adjusting your clutch, changing your oil, or waxing your surfboard, once in a while play hooky from work, free yourself up, and have a good time with your family and friends. You will be glad you did!

Check out Hans' first surf trip photos below!


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